How to obtain Youtube API key for your app

For YouTube videos that you’d like to display in your app, you need to obtain YouTube API key as explained in this article.

Create a project on Google Cloud Platform

1. Log in to YouTube/Google with the credentials you use for your Youtube videos.

2. Go to Google Cloud Platform

3. Click Select a project

4. In the modal window that will open, select NEW PROJECT

5. Name the project, eg. Youtube project, and click Create

Enable the YouTube API

1. On the dashboard of the project click Enable APIS and Services

2. Choose YouTube Data API v3

3. Click Enable

4. Go to Credentials from the left bar menu

5. Choose + Create credentials API key to create API key

6. From the modal window API key created copy your API key

Paste your API key to your Shoutem Youtube extensions settings

API key that you have previously generated will need to be pasted in the builder under Settings → Youtube.

And that’s it! You can now add YouTube videos to your app.

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